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Four Benefits of Having Your Attic Cleaned

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Four Benefits of Having Your Attic Cleaned

Benefits of Having Your Attic Cleaned | Attic Cleaning Concord, CA

If you ever needed a good incentive to get your long-neglected attic cleaned, read on to learn about the top four benefits!

  1. It Helps Save Energy!

    While it may seem odd that a dusty attic is connected to your home's energy use, you'd be surprised to find it certainly is! There are vents in your attic that allow for air circulation, which helps keep the temperature stable all throughout the home. However, it also means that the dust in your attic can be drawn into the ducts and build up over time, creating blockages. These make it much harder for heating and air conditioning to get through, so both must run for longer periods of time in order to keep the temperature comfortable. This wastes energy as well as your money, so for the sake of being more efficient with both, a cleaning can make a big difference.
  2. It Keeps You Healthier!

    That issue of dust getting into the ducts effects more than just your energy bill! It also pollutes the air of your home with particles, lowering the air quality overall. This is concerning for a number of health reasons, as it negatively effects anyone with breathing disorders like asthma, and even those who are elderly or young children. Allergy sufferers will continue to battle symptoms even indoors, and people with no medical troubles overall will still find themselves fatigued.
  3. It Helps Prevent Mold!

    The dust itself can create even further troubles, as it can forge the perfect environment for mold to grow. This can destroy insulation, wood, and even belongings as it eats its way through your attic, and you may be none the wiser thanks to it being buried under that layer of dust. Spores that come from it are dangerous if inhaled, creating another health issue to deal with.
  4. It Helps Against Pests!

    A dirty attic looks like the perfect place to hide for pests such as insects and rodents, and they can create even more problems for you. Rodents love to tear up insulation for use in nesting, and their waste carries diseases that can infect your belongings and the rest of your home. They also gnaw and can harm wood and items stored there in the process. Keeping the attic cleared out as much as possible makes it far less enticing to them.

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Jan 22, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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